To produce photovoltaic electricity, the roof is the easiest support structure. Effectively, the necessary space and investment are of relatively little consequence.
Experts in photovoltaic roofs, Sunvie designs, develops, builds and exploits installations which are perfectly adapted and guaranteed durability.
What type of roofs are suited for a photovoltaic installation?
- a steel sheet roof,
- waterproofed terraced roof,
- a double function over-roof allowing to mask the technical elements,
- An ad hoc architectural concept.
Existing building or under construction?
The installation of a photovoltaic installation on a roof is very different depending on whether it is a new or existing building.
On an existing building structure
On buildings that were not always conceived for this use, the installation of a photovoltaic installation raises numerous questions:
- is the building structure dimensioned to support the weight of the installation?
- what kind of cover is installed?
- is the building under the 10 year guarantee?
- what is the orientation of the roof?
Sunvie possess real experience which allows it to preempt potential problems met during this type of project. This allows it to propose an ensemble of the best, perennial and cheapest solutions.
During construction
Within a construction project, it is possible to influence the characteristics of the building to make it “photovoltaic ready”. This includes ensuring that the structure of the building and the roofing complex will be ready to receive the photovoltaic installation. This will then facilitate the installation of the photovoltaic installation and will reduce the necessary investment, even if it is done in a second step.
The difference in price between the construction of a building with a photovoltaic installation on the roof or not is therefore very small. Our experience shows us that the cost of a photovoltaic installation on a building rarely exceeds 2% of the cost of construction.