The essential costs of a photovoltaic project is the initial installation investment which is spent at the start. Each year, the maintenance costs are not over 1.5% of the total budget. If we want to create a performing installation, perfectly designed and profitable, it is fundamental to ask the right questions from the start.
Why install photovoltaic?
- To be energetically autonomous
- To master energy costs and produce part of your consumption
- Carry out an investment
- Obtain a certification for a building
- Construct exemplary and visible projects
- Bring an additional service all while compensating for a part of the overcost and installation
Which real estate is destined for the project?
- Does the roof of the building need to be built or renovated?
- Does the parking need to be equipped to better satisfy users?
- Can the ground available be valued while waiting for an ulterior use?
What is the scale of the energy consumption of the site?
Does the site consume a lot and what is the grid connection power?
Can I envisage producing a significant part, or the totality of my consumption on my own site?
What administrative questions does the question lead to?
The question to these different questions induce different strategies. Sunvie defines the real needs to be able to propose the perfectly adapted solution.